Welcome to Year 6's Class Page
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
(Philippians 4:13)
Careers Day: Speed mock interviews
As part of our Careers Day work, we had a go at interviewing, and being interviewed, for the careers we had dressed as. This was done in a speedy rotation, with a bell ringing every minute for the children to switch interviewers. Interviewers asked candidates questions about their reasons for wanting to work in their chosen role and the qualities they have which fit the job.
Macbeth: Banquo’s persuasive speech
Having already read much of William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Year 6 have been using persuasive writing and drama- along with their excellent character knowledge- to explore the inner turmoil of our power-hungry protagonist’s best friend, Banquo. Children were given a choice of speeches: one urging Macbeth to stop his murderous deeds and the other to persuade Malcolm that Macbeth may be the guilty culprit.
High Adventure September 2024 - Thursday
Our final full day of activities at High Adventure- and no less full of memory-making fun and inspirational enthusiasm. Whilst Group C were busy exploring caves, the other groups participated in climbing, abseiling, archery and, er, sumo wrestling! Our final evening has been spent learning circus skills and gathering round a campfire: the perfect end to Thursday!
High Adventure September 2024 - Wednesday
Another great day of fun and firsts! Groups A and B had a day of caving and archery, whilst Group C were busy bouldering, exploring the labyrinth and climbing. We have rounded off Day 3 with a talent show: performances included gymnastics, dance and singing. What a treat!
High Adventure September 2024 - Tuesday
What a day! We all went Canoeing together this morning, learning the skills to manoeuvre our rafts before playing some games and getting the chance to jump in. This afternoon Group A did some Bouldering (climbing sideways) before climbing through the Labyrinth. Group B started off the afternoon Climbing and finished it by Abseiling. Group C had great fun Orienteering and taking part in Sumo Wrestling before being our first group to have a go at Archery.
After a hearty dinner, we spent the evening supporting a friend round the new course for Nightline.
High Adventure September 2024 - Monday
An excellent first day with everyone taking part in new activities. This was the first time we had had a go at fencing and there were some very skilled fencers! We all had a go at bushcraft, lighting fires and toasting marshmallows, and every group had to work as a team to succeed on the Spider's Web.
After a very filling dinner, in the evening we tried to save Eggbert as he was dropped from the abseiling platform (with three groups succeeding) and we even had time for the tuck shop and for some reflection on the day.
Some are very excited for canoeing (and breakfast) tomorrow morning.
Here is a short video of two of us fencing. It definitely looks like they have done this before!
Academic Year 2022-23
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13
Welcome to Year 6, 2022-23. Check back here for photos and updates on our learning.
Mrs Englefield, Mr Stockdale and Mrs Tempest
Computing: modelling networks
As part of our work as ‘network technicians’ in Computing, we took part in a Computerless experiment in which we were the computers in small networks which then communicated other small networks, as part of a large network, like the internet.
Singing: ‘Don’t stop’ by Fleetwood Mac
PE: landing from a jump
In our next part of this Gymnastics unit, we practised landing from a height in a ‘magic chair’ position which helped to control our balance.
Macbeth: improvisations of the key scenes
As part of our work on getting to know ‘The Scottish Play’, we have been improvising what we feel to be the most important moments of the play. This will help us to create effective stage directions and write engaging character voice in our own play scripts.
Science: creating a classification key
As part of our new Science unit, ‘Living things and their habitats’, we used sweets to explore the importance of classification keys. We then used this model to explain the scientific impact of classifying living things.
History: democracy in Ancient Greece
We learned about how democracy began in Ancient Greece and the impact this had on other political systems, today- including our own, in the UK. We learned also, however, that not everyone got to be a part of the Ancient Greece democracy; some were excluded. We sorted different Ancient Greece characters into those that could and could not be involved in the democratic process.
Music: singing in a round
In our Music lessons, we have been exploring the melodies which work as a round and why certain combinations of notes sound good together. On Friday, we sang ‘Viva La Musica’ by Michael Praetorius in two groups. Next time, we will try more groups and explore which chords could be used to accompany the round.
Science: separating banana DNA
As part of our Science work on ‘Evolution and inheritance’, we extracted the DNA of a banana. Washing-up liquid broke down the banana cells and rubbing alcohol made the strands of DNA visible.
Year 6 2021 - 2022
High Adventure - Thursday
Another amazing day with our amazing pupils!
The morning was spent completing the 'round-robin' activities, so Group A had orienteering, sumo wrestling and the second 'go' at archery while Group B and Group C went bouldering and faced the challenge of the Labyrinth.
In the afternoon, we journeyed out to Ponden and went rafting in canoes before some decided that they just needed to jump in!
We rounded off the day practising some circus skills and toasting marshmallows over the camp fire.
High Adventure - Wednesday
So proud of our young people! They have faced many challenges today and have all achieved so much. They all talk so well about what they have enjoyed and they identify many different people who have impressed them for so many different reasons.
They are thankful for the opportunities they have had and everyone has been continually supportive of everyone in many ways. A number of children have said they could not have achieved what they have without the help and support of their friends,
Group C had another go at archery this morning before they got the chance to go caving.
Group B has a very busy day with orienteering, sumo wrestling and archery in the morning with climbing and abseiling in the afternoon.
Group A explored the Labyrinth and went bouldering in the morning before abseiling and climbing in the afternoon.
(We had a bit of downtime this evening!)
High Adventure - Tuesday
What a brilliant day with so many stories and so many examples of people just being amazing!
Group A enjoyed archery and caving, while Group B enjoyed caving and archery!
Group C played sumo wrestled, went orienteering and took part in archery in the morning before climbing and abseiling in the afternoon.
We all supported each other during Blindline this evening before reflecting on and saying thank you for another great day.
High Adventure - Monday!
Activities today have been Team Building, Low Ropes and Eggbert. Here are some pictures from Team Building and Low Ropes - everyone had a great time!
Platinum Jubilee Assembly: Year 6 go back to the 1980s
End-of-SATs celebration!
To mark the end of a challenging week of tests, we had a party day in Year 6. We had a game of rounders, sang some karaoke and played lots of party games. The children had some much-deserved fun and it was wonderful to see so many happy faces. Well done, Year 6, we're all so proud of your hard work!
Computing: computational thinking
In Computing lessons, we have been going 'computerless' to try to see how a computer 'thinks'. We were challenged to sort data- in this case, varying weights- using the most efficient algorithm. Some groups found it easiest to compare all weights against one, while others kept sub-dividing into smaller groups.
Our changing world: Coastal Erosion
As part of our topic on 'Our Changing World', we have been writing and performing news reports which explain the effects of coastal erosion and how this impacts people's lives directly.
Our Changing World: weathering and erosion
We have been busy investigating how weathering and erosion can change our landscape, carrying our practical investigations into chemical weathering, physical weathering, biological weathering and erosion.
Science: comparing theories of evolution
We have been busy, in Science lessons, learning about the different theories of evolution and these developed over time. We used masks to become specific theorists and explain each theory, helping us to understand and compare them.
Art: drawing The Minotaur
Following on from our work in English lessons on Greek myths, we chose the Minotaur as our art subject. We looked at how this mythical creature has been shown in art and discussed the ways in which he may have been misunderstood and frustrated. We used these emotions to show what we felt to be the true character of the Minotaur, through the use of oil pastels.
Computing: coding with Python
We have been getting to grips with Python and using this programming language to write our own adventure games. We have based our games on the work we are doing in English, Greek Myths, and are giving our audiences interactive options for them to take the story wherever they choose! This has been challenging but fun.
Sports Day 2021
High Adventure
Here is a small selection of the photos we have taken during our first afternoon of activities.
Everyone is having a great time, really enjoying the activities and the challenges!