0113 293 4477

Tongue Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS6 4QD



Maths -  


Today in Maths we will be completing our Fluency Friday sheet.

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English - 


Today, we will be continuing with our imitation poem, thinking carefully about the portmanteau words we are creating. 


We will also be creating a front cover and a back cover (blurb) for our Alma stories. If you complete these at home, please bring them into school when you return, so that we can bind it. 

Science - 


Properties and Changes of Materials. 


Today, we will be thinking about the properties of materials.


All materials have properties. This means the things about them you can measure that can be different to other materials. Different materials are good for different jobs based on their properties. Examples of properties you need to know about are:


Hardness – the ability of a material to resist being dented

Solubiity – how easily a material a material will dissolve

Magnetism – if a material is magentic or not

Conduction of Heat – how easily heat passes through

Conduction of Electricity – how easily electricy passes through

Transparency - if a material allows light to pass through or not.


There are lots of other properties also. Watch the video below to find out more.

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